Wednesday 6 July 2011


“After he has brought out all his sheep, he walks ahead of them. The sheep follow him because they recognize his voice. They won't follow a stranger. Instead, they will run away from a stranger because they don't recognize his voice." John 10:4-5 Gw[Good’s Word]

In the beginning when there was just Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden the two were only familiar to each other’s voices and lastly to that of God. Adam knew only to respond to the voices of either Eve or God and when things stayed like that and all was well in paradise.

But then came the devil someone’s who other than God knew the human being well, our strength and weakness the devil knows them both and he also knows how to use both of them against us. 

The devil has been in the game of tempting people from when the world began and with that much years of experience there is no doubt that he is good at it, one other thing he is equally good at is his knowledge of the scriptures. I believe today he can read the bible from genesis to Revelation with his eyes closed.

My point is that knowing that his voice is more of a stranger to the people of the Lord; he comes to God’s people not using his own voice or words. He did this with Eve and passed, again he tried doing it with Jesus only this time to fail miserably.

But the devil is of patience he doesn’t get discouraged so easily! He couldn’t get the shepherd so now he is coming for the sheep. He hides his devouring voice in many things today most of them material things, desire for success, promise of riches and more of the worldly perishable things.

He has realized that the sheep do not really know the voice of its shepherd being the Word of God or maybe they do they just not believe in it fully. Yes when things are going their way they believe the Word for that time, but when things all turn down south the Word is forsaken!

Truly we should stop applying the Word of God the other way round, the Bible says “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV  But we today want worldly riches before we can seek the heavenly riches and the devil is using that to his advantage!

That is why as much as we want to acquire worldly things but neglecting heavenly thing we just fail in both, for your spiritual level your relationship with God and you position in the kingdom of God is what determines your worldly position and relationship with the world! 

As long as our relationship with God is suffering, we too will suffer here in the world and our suffering will bring joy to the devil, who comes to steal and devour! Jesus is saying "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10 Esv which i strongly believe its more than reason enough for us to abide more deeply and strongly to Him!