Saturday 7 May 2011


“’Take off his filthy clothes.’  And turning to Jeshua He said ‘See I have taken away your sins and now I am giving you these fine new clothes.” Zechariah 3:4
What the Lord has done for us by sacrificing His only begotten son on the cross is reason enough that we should not let the thoughts of our past keep us from enjoying today!

 It has cost God a lot to earn for us freedom and He want us to be thankful and live life as He intend for us to live it live without guilt of the past for God has already forgiven that.

Yes what we used to be or maybe still struggling with has left a lot to be desired in our hearts.

The maybe a hole of guilt in our hearts which is still showing and it can only be filled by only two thing, believing and accepting that God has cleansed us clean and forgiven us of our sins.

When Jesus Christ shouted “it is finished” on the cross He realized His Holy Spirit of righteousness to fill the empty places in our hearts that sin had put in there.

We were dirty and filthy in our transgressions but not anymore for the Holy Spirit of God has “taken off those filthy clothes” and “clothed us with new clean and spotless clothes of righteousness.

We ought to stop walking like wounded horses, for the Lord has healed all that was broken within us! And He did not heal us so we can still live a life of guilt He healed us so we can be free so that His Holy name call be glorified in the joy that He has given us.

God has not given up on us that why He gave Jesus Christ to the world to show that He still has a plan for us.

 Jesus Christ said “No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:15-16.

We should concentrate less on how our past used to look like and concentrate more on seeing to it that our good deeds of righteousness “shines out for all to see, so that everyone will praise our heavenly Father”

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