Tuesday 17 May 2011


“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken away. Praise the name of the Lord!” Job 1:21 (NLT)

A lot of us if not all can find it easy to praise God when things are going well in our lives, when all that we desire to have is in our midst we call God by many different names. When our health, success, finance, family affairs, etc. are in good terms we find it easy to call God faithful.

But can a lot of us be able to stay steadfast in the Lord when things are not that on our side and say, like Job whom even all that he had was stripped off him and he was left naked and in poor health but still could in the midst of all this affliction call God faithful?

I doubt many turn to acknowledge God in the midst of their season of prosperity as long as the season does not change God is still God in their life, but as soon as things start to go downhill priorities changes.

It doesn’t have to  be like that we need to know to praise God even if there is no food on the table, even when our health are not at their best He must still remain Jehovah El-shaddai in our live. There is a difference between praise and worship and before you can praise God you must come to worship Him first.

Praise is saying “Thank you God  that I have bread on the table for me to eat today!”, Praise is saying “Thank you God that my health is intact!”, Praise is saying “Thank you Lord that there  is peace and harmony in my family!” Praise is saying “Thank you God that all is well in my life!”

But true worship which is very hard for many of us to partake in is saying “Thank you God for this day even if I do not have any bread on the table!” True Worship is saying “Thank you God for today even if I am sick at body and my health is not intact!” True Worship is saying “I thank you God even if things are in a season of lack in my life for I know my season of abundance will come at your own time and not mine!”

Today if you believe in the Word of God and in His promise that “He will never leave you nor forsake you” you need to start showing it by praising Him even if your days seem dark.
In true fact they are no dark you just going through a season of Sabbath, which means is a season of rest which God just want you for Himself away from the busy toils of the world.

 This season that seem like a season of lack of worldly things is a season in which you must be heaping in abundances those of the spiritual for it is when we are separated from the worldly reaches that we can heap the Heavenly things!
 Today thank God for what He has given you a precious day to joy in His presence in as you begin to do that you season of abundance will be knocking in the door as a sign of God’s reward for your faithfulness!
Stay steadfast in the Lord Today keep the faith and never allow it to be shaken by circumstance for God is better than our problems more than we can begin to imagine!

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