Friday 6 May 2011


“Do not Judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others.” Matthew 7:1 (NLT)

Brothers and sisters who told us please that we can judge others, that we can look at a person from the outside and decide who they are and what they going to be in life or what they are destined to? Who said we could look at people from the outside and decide whether they should be in our church or not?

I was shocked today when I heard that there are other Christian who goes around judging people and telling them they are destined to go to hell. I mean who are we to judge whether a person is worthy of God’s Kingdom or not, for the most part we know that all of us are not worthy but it is only by grace that we are even saved today.

Jesus tells us that we should “judge not and we wouldn’t be judged” and that “the same amount of judgment we held against someone we are going to be judged to that measure”.

Yes getting born again offered us authority over many things in life, but judging others or ourselves for that matter was and still is not one of them.

When Jesus sent the disciples into the cities of Israel to spread the good news He gave them authority over a lot of things but not authority to judge anyone.

 Jesus said to them “Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” Matthew 10:8

Never did He say go and judge the people and call those you think of as worthy. He sent the disciple to people with a need, people with a problem.

Before we can judge a person according to what they do let us all keep in mind that “all people have a problem, but they themselves are not the problem” cast out the problem to come out of the person not the person out of God’s family!

Jesus said go “heal the sick”, when we judge others, how then can we heal their sickness while our comment are the ones bringing sickness and guilt upon people’s lives?

Jesus said go “raise the dead”, when we judge people how I we going to raise them from death while we are the one speaking words of death upon them?

Jesus also said go “cast out demons” if we judge people and call them demons how are we going to cast out the demons in them?

Jesus said “Whatever you do to My people you do to Me” so when we curse God’s people whom were created in His image by saying they are going to Hell or are destined to Hell, we are in turn cursing the Lord.

Have you been misjudged and rejected don’t worry for Jesus said “Anyone who receives you, receives Me [Jesus]” Matthew 10:40 (NLT). Which then means anyone who rejects you rejects our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us judge not and concentrate only on doing what we have been given authority of and we shall be rewarded by our Father in Heaven according to our faithfulness to what He commanded we should do! “Do to others whatever you would like them do to you” [Matthew 7:12]


O God please help us by the power of your Holy Spirit to not be fooled by the false judgment of ourselves that we go around casting judgment upon you children whom you created in your very image. Amen

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